Photosynthesis for kids - Learn All About Photosynthesis
What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis = “Photo” + “Synthesis”.
“Photo” which means light,
“Synthesis” which means putting together.
Just think, plants cannot move, but they need food to survive and grow. But how do they manage their food or who helps them?
The answer is, plants are the most independent living thing on earth. They make their own food without any help from people.
Plants use sunlight, water, CO2 (carbon dioxide i.e. present in air) to make their food. And this process of making food is called. photosynthesis. Now we will explore more about photosynthesis for kids.
✍ How Photosynthesis Works Step by Step?
Let’s explore how photosynthesis works step by step. For photosynthesis, plants need 3 essential things.
Water and Minerals
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
Step 1 -The root of the plant takes water and minerals from the soil. There are veins in the plant named Xylem, transport water and minerals to the whole plant, including its leaves.
The leaves are the food factory of the plant. Because the photosynthesis process takes place in the leaves of plants. So, every necessary thing needs to reach the leaves to make food.
Step 2 – Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air enters through tiny pores (holes) in the leaves. These pores are called stomata.
We can say that plants also breathe like us through stomata. The only difference is, we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide but plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. What a fantastic understanding between us and plants!!
Step 3 – The leaves are basically made of tiny cells. If we see the structure of Plant Cells, we will find that inside these cells there is a small part called chloroplasts. Each chloroplast contains a green substance called Chlorophyll, which actually absorbs energy from sunlight.
Did you know? Chlorophyll is the substance that gives leaves their green color.
✍ What Happens During Photosynthesis Step by Step?
Let’s understand what happens during photosynthesis step by step.
The plant needs to make Glucose or Food. For that they need two ingredients; Hydrogen and Carbon dioxide.
- First, Chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight.
- Second, roots transport water (H2O) to the leaves. [H2O is the molecular structure of the water. Two Hydrogen and One Oxygen.]
Plants use sunlight energy to separate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. - Third – Stomata receives Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air.
- Fourth, After a series of chemical reactions, hydrogen and carbon dioxide combined together to produce glucose or food for the plant. After preparing food, there are veins, named Phloem, distributes glucose to all the parts of the plant.
- Fifth, oxygen is released into the air as a waste product, which becomes vital for us.
Chemical structure of photosynthesis
✍ Some Photosynthesis Facts
FACT #1. The energy for photosynthesis comes from light.
FACT #2. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, carbon dioxide to make their food.
FACT #3. Light energy is converted to chemical energy by chlorophyll.
FACT #4. The green color of leaves is due to chlorophyll.
FACT #5. Leaves change color in autumn because plants slow down the process of photosynthesis
FACT #6. Plants perform photosynthesis in organelles called chloroplasts. There are two parts of chloroplast i.e. grana and stroma
FACT #7. Only plants do not use photosynthesis. Rather some bacteria, such as cyanobacteria, and proteases, such as algae, are also producers. These single-celled organisms also contain chlorophyll.
FACT #8. All living things on this planet depend on organic molecules synthesized by plants as a result of photosynthesis.
In Conclusion,
- Photosynthesis means “Photo” (means light) and “Synthesis” (means putting together.)
- The process of making food by plant is called photosynthesis.
- During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, CO2 (carbon dioxide i.e. present in air) to make their food.
- The leaves are the food factory of the plant.
- Chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight.
- Stomata receives Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air.
- After preparing food, Phloem distributes glucose (food) to all the parts of the plant.
I hope you understand the topic of photosynthesis for kids. Don’t forget to attempt a photosynthesis quiz for kids to check your knowledge. Visit here to know more about photosynthesis for kids.