Power of Positive Affirmations For Kids
How positive affirmation words can bring more happiness and success to children
Every thought you think, and every word you say is an affirmation that reinforces who you believe you are and what you think you are capable of. This stream of self-talk creates your self-image that determines the results you get in life.
Many of our thoughts and beliefs work well for us, but some are dysfunctional and can sabotage our efforts to achieve what we want in life. Most of your beliefs were formed as you were growing up, usually before the age of 5. They are buried deep in our subconscious minds and often we are not even aware of what kind of beliefs we hold.
Many of your beliefs may not even be true, but yet they influence your life every day.
How do I know what my beliefs are?
Just look at the results you get in life. Our life is a reflection of what we believe we deserve.
Life doesn’t just happen to us. We create our life every day. Yes, this thought forces you to take responsibility for your results, but it also gives you the power to change your results.
Getting the results you want
To change results, you need to change how you think. Yes, it is possible and often easier than you think. One of the most powerful ways to do this is through positive affirmations that are repeated consistently several times a day for a period of time.
The problem is that often we give up too quickly. It took years to program your current beliefs, so your beliefs won’t change overnight. It takes some consistent effort and repetition with emotion, and slowly but surely you will begin to notice the changes.
Helping kids to get the right start
The best part of knowing how our beliefs create the results we get and how these beliefs are formed is that it empowers us, parents, with the knowledge that we can make a real positive difference in our children’s lives every day.
Every interaction with your children programs their little minds about who they think they are and what they are capable of. By being more aware of the kind of messages our children hear every day, we can help them grow into happy and healthy bigger people ready to go for their dreams!
Affirmations are a very powerful tool for children as well. We can help our kids to use affirmations to bring more happiness, self-esteem, and success.
With your kids, you can read and discuss these positive affirmation words.
Positive affirmation words for children
I am awesome.
I am loved.
My friends love and respect me.
I am sure, I can solve any problem because every problem has solutions.
I am kind to everyone.
I want to win rather than defeating someone.
I respect everyone.
Today is my best day.
I have an excellent memory
I love my body
I am my best friend
Everything is possible.
I deeply love and accept myself.
I am kind to myself and others.
I understand the lessons, taught by my teacher in school quickly.
I keep concentration while studying.
I am very honest with myself.
It’s okay not to know everything.
I can make mistakes to learn more.
I can do better next time.
I am proud of myself.
Yes! Today is my day.
I believe in my ability.
I am calm and relaxed.
I can control my own anger.
I am the luckiest kid.
I love myself even though I sometimes fail and make mistakes.
I am not judgemental.
I am a special creation of God.
I will definitely do something for the whole world.
I am my favorite.
I am the gem of my family.
I am brave.
I have patience.
I keep my body clean and healthy.
I am a bright student.
I am beautiful.
Hope you liked these positive affirmation words for kids.