Part of a Flower
Lets learn about different part of a flower and their functions.

Before understanding the “Part of a Flower“, we will know the role of flowers for the plants.
Flowers are the reproductive part of a plant. It makes seeds which in turn make new plants. Along with reproduction, flowers are also a rich source of food for other living organisms such as insects, birds, animals and humans.
✍ Did you know?
World’s largest bloom is Rafflesia Arnoldii. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds.
✍ Part of a Flower
Flowers can be classified in two types. It can be either a complete flower or an Incomplete flower.
Complete Flower – If a flower has four parts i.e sepals, petals, stamens and pistil called complete flower. For example Rose, hibiscus
Incomplete Flower – If a flower is missing any one of these 4 parts of a flower then it is called an incomplete flower. For example Begonia,
➤ SEPALS – Sepals are the outer part of a flower. It is usually green, but can also be in different colors. Some plants do not have sepals while in some flowers, they are modified into bracts enclosing the flowers.
In some plants, bracts may be larger and much brighter than the petals. Flowers that do not have petals usually have modified sepals that are large and brightly colored, attracting pollinators.
FUNCTION OF SEPALS – It’s main function is to protects a flower in bud stage and also prevents it from drying
➤ PETALS – The petals are the most prominent and beautiful part of a flower, which lies just above the layer of the sepal.
FUNCTION OF PETALS – Its main function is to attract pollinators such as butterflies, birds, insects etc to the flower. It also protects the inner reproductive parts of a flower. Collectively, the petals are known as the Corolla.
➤ MALE PART OF A FLOWER – STAMEN – Stamen is the male reproductive part of a flower, also known as the Androecium.
FUNCTION OF THE STAMEN – The main function of the Stamen is to produce pollen and make it available for pollinators such as butterflies, birds, insects, bees etc. to allow reproduction.
PARTS OF STAMEN – Each stamen contains two main parts i.e. Anthers and Filaments.
- Anthers – Anthers are generally yellow in color. It produces and stores the pollen grains.
- Filaments – It is a long and slender part that supports the anther on its tip.
The pistil is a flower’s female reproductive organ. It is located in the center of the flower surrounded by the petals, sepals and stamens. The basic unit of the pistil is known as the CARPEL. Each pistil may consist of one or more carpels. A collection of pistils is called the GYNOECIUM.
Flowers can have more than one pistil. For example sweet peas have only one pistil. But mustard, lily have more than one pistil.
FUNCTION OF PISTIL – Pistil receives pollen grains during pollination and helps the transport of plant sperm to the ovary. It also provides a place for pollen germination.
PARTS OF PISTIL – Pistil consists of THREE parts.
- Stigma – It is the topmost part of the carpel. Its sticky surface holds pollen particles, which it receives during pollination. Stigma is responsible to begin the process of fertilization.
- Style – It is a narrow, thread like structure that connects Ovary with Stigma. As the pollen particle reaches the stigma, the style begins to form a hollow tube called the pollen tube, which carries the pollen particle to the ovary to enable fertilization.
- Ovary – The base of the female portion of the flower. The ovary holds the undeveloped seeds, called ovules. Ovules are the part of the flower where the seed formation takes place. At this place, pollination is complete.
Pollination is the process in which the pollen is transferred from the male part of a flower (anther) to the female part of a flower (stigma) of the same flower or of another flower. Pollination can occur through different ways such as by the wind or water, by insect, bird or bat.
POLLINATION PROCESS – Stigma is responsible to begin the process of fertilization.
During pollination, the pollen grains from the stamen (male parts) get stuck on the stigma (female part) by the help of pollinators such as birds, wind, insects, bats etc..
As the pollen particle reaches the stigma, the style begins to form a hollow tube called the pollen tube, which carries the pollen particle to the ovary to enable fertilization.
The ovary holds the undeveloped seeds, called ovules where the seed formation takes place. At this place, pollination is complete.
Related Article – Plant Life Cycle
FACT 1. ➤ Flowers that have female parts and no male parts are called pistillate.
FACT 2. ➤ Flowers that have male parts and no female parts are called staminate.
FACT 3. ➤ Largest Flower in the World – Rafflesia Arnoldii is the world’s largest bloom, found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds (source).
FACT 4. ➤ Smallest Flower in the World – Watermeal or Wolffia globosa is the smallest flowering plant in the world. This flower is about the size of a grain of rice. Wolffia is the smallest genus of the aquatic plants known as Duckweeds. (source)
FACT 5. ➤ Smelliest Flower in the World – Amophophallus Titanum ( Titan Arum) is the Smelliest flower in the world. It is said to emit a stink similar to that of a dead body. It is also known as the “Corpse Flower.”
FACT 6. ➤ Tallest Flower in the World – Amophophallus titanum ( Titan Arum) is the tallest flower in the world. Found in rainforests of Sumatra, it can stand taller than 3 m (9 ft 10 in) off the ground, making it the Tallest flower in the world. (source).
FACT 7. ➤ Oldest Flower in the World – Montsechia vidalii is the oldest flower in the world.(source)
FACT 8. ➤ Tulips have long been one of the biggest sellers in the world, especially in the Netherlands.
FACT 9. ➤ The study of flowers is called floriculture.
FACT 10. ➤ Orchids plant do not need soil to grow as they get all of their nutrients from the air.
Related Article – Parts of Plant
What are the main 4 parts of a flower?
The main four parts of a flower are –
- Sepals
- Petals
- Stamen
- Pistil/Carpel
What are the reproductive parts of a flower?
- Stamen
- Pistil/Carpel
What is the male part of the flower?
Stamen is the male part of a flower. Stamen is divided into two parts i.e. Anther & Filaments.
What part of the flower produces pollen?
The anthers (part of the stamen) produces pollen.
What is the female part of the flower?
Pistil or Carpel is the female part of the flower.