Plant Cells Facts

Plant Cell Facts for Kids - Some Interesting Facts about Plant Cells

What is plant cell?

Let’s understand plant cells with an easy example. Have you ever made any shape or things (train, castle, etc) with Lego blocks? How did you make that?

Look at the picture below. Here a child made a shape by connecting one block to another and so on. So, we can say that the SINGLE BLOCK is the smallest unit part of the shape created by the child.


Similarly, all living things are made up of millions of cells (blocks). Cells are the smallest unit part of plants, animals, and all other living things.

As we know, plants make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. It is the process of preparing food by the plants, by utilizing sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. Plant cells play a very important role in making food through photosynthesis.

Plant cells have a unique structure like chloroplasts that specialize in converting sunlight into food that plants can use.

Now, let’s explore the plant cell’s part and its function.

✍Plant Cell’s Part and its Function

Cytoplasm – A Jellylike fluid inside the cell membrane fills much of the cell. It holds organelles (other cell parts) in place.

Nucleus – A round-shaped Nucleus, also known as a “brain” or control center of the cell. It gives instructions to cell how to work and grow and that instructions are stored here as molecules of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

Cell Membrane – Plant cell membranes are found on the outside of the cell cytoplasm and just inside the Cellulose cell wall. It works as a semi-permeable membrane. Its main function is to stop water from leaking through and at the same time to allow other substances to come in.

Cellulose Cell Wall – A thick, rigid membrane that surrounds a plant cell and protects it. The cell wall is made up of a tough, fibrous material called cellulose. Did you know? Cellulose is the main ingredient in paper, wood, and cotton. Wood contains almost 50% cellulose and cotton contains almost 90% cellulose.

pic source:thoughtCo

Mitochondrion – Mitochondrion (or mitochondria, if there are many), rod-shaped organelles also known as the Powerhouse of the cells.
The main function of mitochondria is to take nutrients from the cell, break it down and transform it into a form of energy.

This means it takes in nutrients from the cell, breaks it down, and turns it into energy.

Vacuoles – It is located in the center of the cell and performs many functions such as making plant sturdy and firm, store water as well as nutrient and non-nutrient chemicals

Chloroplast – The main function of the chloroplast is to prepare food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis. There is a little green part called chlorophyll present in the chloroplast, which allows plants to absorb energy from light.

During the process of photosynthesis food energy (sugar and starches) is made using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

Also Read: All About Animal Cell

✍Some Interesting Fun Plant Cell Fact for Kids

FACT #1. One of the coolest things about plant cells is that plant can not make their food without plant cells and their features.

FACT #2. Chlorophyll is the part of the plant cell that can trap that energy.

FACT #3. Plant cell plays a very important role in plant adaptation.

FACT #4. Plants contain guard cells usually occur in the epidermis of plant leaves or stems.

FACT #5. Guard cells help balance the amount of carbon dioxide being absorbed and the water lost through evaporation. 

FACT #6 Plants retain a definite shape due to the rigid cell wall.

FACT #7. A nucleus known as a “brain” or control center of the cell. It gives instructions to cell how to work and grow.

FACT #8. Cell is the smallest unit part of plants, animals, and all other living things.

FACT #9. Plant cell is extremely small. It can be visible only on a microscope.

FACT #10. Plant cells and animal cells are almost similar in terms of structure.

Hope you enjoed the plant cell facts for kids. You can visit here to know more about plant cell facts.

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