Human Ear For Kids
In this article, we will be learning about the human ear, parts of the ear with their functions, how the human ear works step by step, and many amazing facts about the ear for kids. The ear is one of the five sense organs that makes us hear and maintains the balance of the body. It is responsible for converting sound waves into electrochemical waves. It is a very delicate organ.
What does the ear consist of that enables us to hear?
The ear has been divided into three parts:
- External/outer Ear
- Middle Ear
- Inner Ear

Outer Ear:
Middle Ear:
This part consists of three bones, namely, the hammer or malleus, the anvil or incus, and the stirrup or stapes, which are connected to each other, and the hammer is connected to the tympanic membrane. When the sound waves reach the tympanic membrane, they get amplified due to compression created by sound waves. This amplified sound passes to the hammer, which further passes the sound waves to the other two bones for further amplification.